Ingredients Quindim
12 pierced gems
2 xícaras (chá) of sugar
50g of softened butter
2 xícaras (chá) of grated coconut
Margarine and sugar to spread and powder Bolus
4 eggs
150g margarine
1 xícara (chá) of sugar
1/3 of xícara (chá) of chocolate in po
1 and 1/2 xícara (chá) of wheat farinha 6 colheres (soup) of leite
1 colher (coffee) of ferment em pó
1 colher (coffee) bicarbonate
Preparation mode
For the quindim, mix the gems in a tigela, or sugar and butter to homogenize.
Mix or coconut and reserve. Bata na batedeira os ovos, margarine, or sugar and or chocolate to homogenize. Combine the farinha alternately with milk, beating until mixed.
Mix the ferment and the bicarbonate with a colher. Clear the quindim in a hole shape no less than 26cm in diameter greased and dusted with sugar.
Clear the massa do bolo over the quindim carefully, cover with aluminum foil and light in the medium oven, preheated, in a water bath, for 1h30.
Remove the paper and turn it over to the oven for 30 minutes. Let the geladeira cool and mild for 2 hours